Tuesday 31 July 2012

WoozWoodz Camp

WoozWoodz Camp

Hey Woozens!
WoozWoodz CampAfter traveling around the world, we have one more journey in our summer of fun…  It’s time to head tocamp!
This year marks the 500th anniversary of WoozWoodz Camp, the perfect summer sleep-away campground for woozens!  Founded by GoodOldWooz’s great-great-great-grandfather in the heart of the lovely WoozWoodz, the Camp has been bringing smiles to woozens’ sunburnt faces for years.
This year, in honor of the anniversary and the Summer Olympic GamesWoozWoodz Camp is hosting the Woozlympics!  We’ll be playing games inspired by Olympic events, including relay racing, synchronized swimming, and more!  And of course we have such classic camp activities as canoeing, creative writing, and maybe even T-shirt design!
Your Woozband will be staying in WoozWoodz as Camp Counselorz this summer, and are inviting all woozens along for endless summer adventures!  In the spirit of the Olympics, the Woozband members have each formed their own team: Mya and the PhoenixzJay and the DragonzJenny and the Pegasuz, and Max and the Trollz!  Each of you woozens will chose one team, and any points you gain the various Woozlympics events will go towards that team’s total.  May the best team win!
On August 1st, the Woozband will honor the opening of WoozWoodz Camp with a huge campfire celebration.  Pack up your backpack, roll up your sleeping bag, spray on some sunscreen – and don’t forget the marshaellows!
It’s time to pile in the bus for WoozWoodz Camp…  We’re off to the Woozlympics!
Milica108 :)

100 Vievers!!!!!!!!!

Omg!!!!!!Im not believe realy!!!!!!!!!!Thanks :)



Contect(Vote in pool arena)


Normaly,this contect is about clothes xD.Im will post too photos,and you vote wich clothes is better.you vote in pool arena.For first contect be 2 picture!!!!!!
So here are the pistures
1.Which outfit is better?This one:
Drees-Country girl drees
Pants-Cute cute shorts
Shoes-WNS heels
Or this one:
Drees:Summer drees with purse
Hair:Hair with care
Pants:cute cute shorts
Shoes:Glamorous heels

What the Wooz??

Hey guys!Im yesterday not can go at this blog..Why???Because im watch JayWooz in unit.Im not be in queue for what the wooz show hehe :)
Normaly im take picture :)
And im go make contect about clothes.which clothes is better and pretty.But here first picture from What the wooz show

Sunday 29 July 2012

Calendar for next week

Im go post the calendar of next week,what we go do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So here a plan:
Tuesday-Funny pictures
Wednesday-Short stories
Thursday-New cheats and codes
Friday-Awoozing race-Lost Artifacts Week-all 12 clues
Sunday-Style Section
every day-New posts,and new pages

Saturday 28 July 2012

Add me in WoozWorld

My name in woozworld is milica108.
If you wish,you can add me :)
Please invite,im be so happy to have more ppl in this blog :)

The Woozpaper Vol.117

The WoozPaper Vol. 117

Happy Friday Woozens!
This week marked the end of our Awoozing Race journey!  We explored some amazing sites from throughout Europe, from Istanbul‘s extraordinary cultural mix to the beginning of the Olympic Games in London.  We hope you’ve had fun building your Awoozing Race photo Albumz by taking pictures of the exotic souvenirs in the Lost Artifacts Unitz.  By the time you’re ready to submit, you should have 12 photos in your Albumz!
We also want to remind all Woozens that bullying and any kind of inappropriate behavior (language, conduct, or Unitz) will not be tolerated in Woozworld.  Moderators will continue closing down inappropriate Unitz. If you aren’t sure as to why your Unitz was closed or why you got a sanction, please read the Code of Conduct (link below).  Mods are here to make sure you can enjoy Woozworld safely and securely!  Please help them do their job by reporting inappropriate behavior (see the Help Center for more information).  

Weekend Eventz

This weekend, be sure to rest up – we’ve had a fast-paced journey!
Saturday, July 21st at 1PM WT, MyaWooz will be visiting Display Eventz to search for the next Star of the Week!  She will announce the theme Saturday morning to allow you star woozens plenty of time to get ready!
On Sunday, July 22nd at 1PM WT, design your own Olympics Opening Ceremony Unitz!  JennyWooz will be visiting your Opening Ceremonies to see how they compare to the real thing ;)
JennyWooz will be back on Sunday at 6PM WT for a special edition of Discussionz! She’ll be available to help any of you woozens that have questions about submitting your Awoozing Race photo reel.

Here’s next week’s Eventz calendar!

Schedule for July 30th to August 3rd
MondayWhat the Wooz?! talk show11:00 AM WTJayWooz
MondayWhat the Wooz?! talk show (repeat)7:00 PM WTJayWooz
TuesdayMax’s Game Show1:00 PM WTMaxWooz
TuesdayMax’s Game Show7:00 PM WTMaxWooz
WednesdaySpecial Event TBA!4:00 PM WTall Woozband
WednesdayJay’s Freestyle Hour7:00 PM WTJayWooz
ThursdaySpecial Event TBA!11:00 AM WTJennyWooz
ThursdaySpecial Event TBA!4:00 PM WTJennyWooz
ThursdayDiscussionz with Jenny7:00 PM WTJennyWooz
FridaySpecial Event TBA!11:00 AM WTMyaWooz
FridaySpecial Event TBA!4:00 PM WTMyaWooz
FridayMya’s Late Night Show7:00 PM WTMyaWooz

Articles from Woozens

Croatian Phrases by Nicoleadorable3Hey woozens!  XD Nicoleadorable3 here, I’m here to talk about the new Awoozing Race: EUROPE! So some of you might’ve seen MaxWooz, right?  I am going to Europe in the summer of 2013! And I am going to see my great-grandma and grandpa! I will tell you a few sentences:
1. Hi! My name is Nicole! = Cioa! Moje ime je Nicole!
2. I love to play soccer and go on the computer! = Ja volim de igram footbal i da idem na computer!
3. I love my family and friends! = Ja volim moj familija i prijatelji!
That is all for now! Bye woozens!  Add me!   :)
Swindlers’ Rap by TopazluvWe got these swindlers up in here, tellin’ crazy things in my ear,
Sayin’ “Give me beex or give me wooz,” then never givin’ back anythin’ you can use.
Watch out for the swindlers they be everywhere, don’t let ’em get all in your hair,
’Cuz once they do and its all through, you be feelin’ empty just like a fool.
Beex in Shopz and Other Protests by PrincessElona44It’s great that the woozens with only beex get to have a place to shop too!!! And I also got some cute stuff too!! I love the pigtails!!!! They’re really cheap too!!! Lots of furniture and clothing and other items!!! It was one of Woozworld’s best changes! Thinking about changes…. Some people are quitting because of their “differences.” Don’t quit!!! We love you!!!! The bullies are bullies for a reason; we need to help change them so we can keep playing our GAME. If lots of people quit then we will never be able play and Woozworld will be shut down! Recently I heard about the protest. Followers, take a deep breath and think what will that accomplish?
Woozworld Poem by Firefan11Woozworld is the place,
We all love to face,
Every computer time,
Woozworld’s where we are online.
Dressing up and being fancy,
Maybe get a little dancy,
Meet new friends at every place,
Each one with a brand-new face.
Don’t forget the many friends,
Also known as cute WoopetZ,
Dogs, Cats, Yetis too,
So many different kinds, woo-hoo!
We can’t forget the great Woozband,
There’s Jay, of course; he’s the man!
Max is the nice, sweet, funny guy,
And Mya, whose look is DEFINITELY fly!
Last, but not least, there’s wonderful Jenny,
Her smile’s worth way more then a single penny,
So please, stop by, and stay a while,
You’ll leave decked out in Woozworld style!

Until next Friday milica108 :)

Awoozing Race London Quiz Answers

Hello!!!Here the answers at last quiz

Awoozing Race London Quiz Answers

1: England
2: 3
3:Big Ben
4:Westminster Abbey
5: Buckingham Palace
6: Wimbledon
7: Red
8: Heathrow
And normaly you have last tree clues.Goodluck!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome :)

Hello please invite and have fun on my blog.im new xD
im hope to all will like you,because i will write about woozworld :)