Friday 16 November 2012

Awesome Newss :DD

Hellooooooooooo :DDDDD Jen heree ;) with NEW GREAT NEWS ! for thanksgiving woozworld ofted us the VIP emos , moves , trade , make eventz xD good , eh ? xD
well , if u dont belive me see!
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, we decided to go with the spirit of the holiday and allow all players to have access to a lot more features!


                OH yesh , it went me Jen ;) xD

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Jens Update

Heeeeeey heres Jen ! I hope ya missed me :P cuz i missed posting  , tooooo busy cuz of stupid school ..well i'm back! i hope we get 2000 :D i miss summer , its so cold i frezze my ass off :I btw,.... 


New blogger

Hello , i'm roki3 i'm the new blogger i'm close friend to mica and jen!

Heya guys

Omg!Hello!Finnaly i can go on blog!How are you?I just go in school,have good grades and other stufs!What hapened with bloggers?
Someguy123 forget passworld
JenLoveUono sometimes post
And me i dont have time cuz of school!
But till today i will try to every day say something!So i hope will be 2000 visitors!I'M SO SORRY BUT WHEN WE HAVE 2000 VISITORS WE WILL DONT ADD NE BLOGER?WHY?
Maybe you gave you personal imfo and other,but maybe you use blog and hacked it!We dont can believe anyone!Like someone get hacked on wzw,this PAGE CAN GET HACKED TOO!SO TO BE SAFE,JUST ME AND JEN WILL BE A BLOGGERS!
me and jen realy dont have time cuz of school!

WoozPaper Vol. 129

Happy Friday Woozens!
Well, it’s been another great week for Woozworld fashion!  Mya and Zeena have been inspired by theirfaceoff competition to create some of the coolest looks we’ve ever seen!  We’re getting down to the end of the contest, so be sure to support your favorite designer by battling Collectiblz.  Goooooo Vampirz! ;)
We also want to remind all Woozens that bullying and any kind of inappropriate behavior (language, conduct, or Unitz) will not be tolerated in Woozworld.  If you aren’t clear on what’s expected of you, please read the Code of Conduct (link below).  Mods are here to make sure you can enjoy Woozworld safely and securely!  Please help them do their job by reporting inappropriate behavior (see the Help Center for more information).

Vampirz & Werewolvz HQ

Mya and Zeena held a Unitz Design Competition for their headquarters! The Untiz were well done and the girls were impressed (of course Zeena was saying her Werewolvz were better… but you’re the judge of that)! Here are the winners (you can view the Unitz from the Vampirz / Werewolvz Unitz):
Congratulations to everyone :)

Weekend Eventz

Saturday, at 1PM WT MyaWooz will bring back Star of the Week‘s original format!  To enter the contest, be sure to wear the new Mya vs Zeena: Vampirz vs Werewolvz collection outfits!  Once you’re dressed to impress, come and meet Mya in her Fashion Show Unitz!
Also on Saturday Jenny will be doing Halloween Hurdles at 7:30PM WT! Dress in your Halloween costumes and jump over those Hurdles!
On Sunday, October 28th at 11AM WT MaxWooz will be welcoming new Woozens to Woozworld, as well as discussing the new Zombiz app!
Also on Sunday, at 4PM WT, JayWooz is hosting another awesome Unitz Design contest for VIPs!  Create the coolest early Halloween party using either WoozylvaniaCandy, or old Halloween Unitz and furniture, and Jay may pay you a visit!

Weekly Schedule

Jay and Jenny have decided to try something different for the month of November! Way back when Jay did a weekly Unitz Design Competition and he’s bringing it back! Jay will give you a brand new themeon Tuesday and you have a FULL week to submit the Unitz in his Unitz Design HQ. Jay will post the winners in a brand new Albumz every week! Practice your designs, Woozens!
Video Challenges will also be making a come back with Jenny in charge! Jenny will post a Video Challenge topic and rules on the Hot Topicz on Thursday. You will then have until the following Wednesday to submit your video (uploaded to YouTube) in the Woozworld News HQ. Jenny will go through all the entries and choose winners to be featured in a Hot Topicz and in the WoozPaper on Friday!
**Reminder: no videos of Real Life, Woozworld only**
Schedule for October 22nd-26th
MondayWhat the Wooz?! talk show4:00 PM WTJennyWooz
MondayWhat the Wooz?! talk show (repeat)7:30 PM WTJennyWooz
TuesdayUnitz Design Challenge (in Hot Topicz)JayWooz
WednesdayMax’s Game Show7:30 PM WTMaxWooz
ThursdayVideo Challenge Launch (in Hot Topicz)JennyWooz
FridayMya’s Late Night Show7:30 PM WTMyaWooz

Articles from Woozens

Zombiz App by MercianThe new Zombiz app is awesome. I hope you guys try it out. Woozworld is getting more populated than ever!  This place already has 1305703 views!!!!!!  That’s a lot. I hope you all enjoyed this news article.
Woozworld Reporter, Mercian

Mya vs. Zeena Fashion Faceoff by MissKrazieAlthough most of the Woozband and Woozens voted for Mya’s fashion designs, the designers are toe to toe with the scores on the leaderboard. Zeena’s designs are daring, bold and shocking while Mya’s designs are cute, edgy and sweet. Who will rise from the coffin and who will fall into the pit?
TTFN, MissKrazie

The New Woozworld by bobby223Hey guys! I’ve heard many of you complaining about the new Woozworld and saying that you will quit if the game doesn’t change back. Some of you are even wearing red and black to protest against the new world. Woozens are also saying that Woozworld had taken away their gaming freedom.
But, please spare a thought for the engineers who designed and coded Woozworld, the moderators who help keep the world safe and secure and the animators who come on Woozworld and have fun with you and the amount of money it takes to build this site.
I do somehow like the new world, like the shops, the Preztige system and the events organized. It’s rather awesome.
However, I also support 10% of the campaign, which means that the prices of some items should be lowered. As a business woozen like me, I feel that after the price change, some items became worthless. That’s why I’m supporting part of the campaign.
So, in conclusion, the new Woozworld has its pros and cons. But, remember to spare a thought for the Woozworld Team! See you soon!
WOOZPAPER Xd so be ready for news and other stufs :)
Milica108 and JeNlOVEUONO!Xd

Wednesday 17 October 2012


HEeyyaaaaaaaaa .... i missed posting on blog , i didn't had time for it :/ welll.... i'm good schools going great , well everything is ok..
by the wayy .....JOIN MYA'S VAMPIRZ! :DDD

 OHH....yaa...... Zeena's back , with very new news '.' she stole Myas princess crown and also she became Werewolfz Queen ... LETS MAKE THE FASHION SHOW DOWN BEGIN!  I AM TOTALLY FOR MYA !

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Hello guys

How are you?I just study,study and study.I dont can visit blog,i hope you can.I will try to every day make new post about new outfit!And new outfit btw come out!Do you like it????I realy like it!I study every day and have good grades!!And btw news!My draw picture are in Woozworld fan art on facebook!!! 
Check it!
Do you like it?I will post pool about it ;)

Welcome to Woozylvania! :)

Gather ‘round Woozens! We want to welcome you to Woozylvania (or as CountWoozula would say,velcome to Voozylvania!)! *practices CountWoozula voice* Zis iz vhere Evil gets scared! Muahahahahah!
What is Woozylvania you ask? It’s a mysterious Horror Photo Reel Festival that travels from Nationz to Nationz and this year, it has stopped in Woozworld! Every October photo reels are submitted to the Woozylvania Horror Movie Festival, voted upon and the winning short films are watched at the end of the month!
For Woozylvania you create a photo reel based on one of these characters: DemonsMummies,Monsters or Ghosts. You can only enter ONE of these categories **VIP: you can enter all 4**. There are different settings you can use: Abandoned SchoolHaunted Theme ParkSpooky Woozworld Offices orCreepy Forest! You can use multiple locations too! All the items will be available in the Woozworld Storeor Shopz!

How to Enter

**NOTE**  You can prepare your Photo Reels but you can’t submit until later in the week!
Create a horror movie using one of the four Woozylvania characters of your choice by creating a 12 picture photo reel. You can see an example by the Woozband here! Remember you use any of the 4 settings (or a combination of them). If you don’t know how to make a Photo Reel, read all about it here!
To submit your photo reel, go to the photo Albumz you saved your Woozylvania Photo Reel photos in. When you have 12 photos in your album, you will be able to submit your album by clicking on the Woozylvania Submit Photo Reel button!


There will be 5 finalists for each category selected by the Woozband and YOU will vote for the winners.
Voting dates are to be announced (keep an eye on Hot Topicz)
The Woozylvania Viewing (winners announced) will be on November 2nd at 6:30PM WT!

Friday 21 September 2012

WoozPaper Vol. 124

WoozPaper Vol. 124

Happy Friday Woozens!
Woozens, we need your help now more than ever!  We now know the location of the dreadedApocawooz.  We found out ApocaWooz is happening in the Woozworld Plaza! Now we need stop it before it’s too late and Woozworld is destroyed!  As terrifying as the prospect of Apocawooz is, we know you woozens are up to the task… so let’s keep working to save our beloved Woozworld!
With everything going on, we’ve also been playing around with the awesome Preztige system!  Some activities in Woozworld now cost energy, but they earn you Preztige points.  With enough points, you can move up to the next level, giving you prizes like Beex, Wooz, and access to cool new items in Shopz!  (For more info, click on the link above to read the blog post from the Woozband.)  The Preztige system adds a whole new level of fun to Woozworld!
We also want to remind all Woozens that bullying and any kind of inappropriate behavior (language, conduct, or Unitz) will not be tolerated in Woozworld.  If you aren’t clear on what’s expected of you, please read the Code of Conduct (link below).  Mods are here to make sure you can enjoy Woozworld safely and securely!  Please help them do their job by reporting inappropriate behavior (see the Help Center for more information).

Weekend Eventz

This weekend, we know you’ll all be working to level up! ;)
Saturday, September 22nd at at 11AM WT, JennyWooz wants to see all you VIP woozens for a special edition of Discussionz!  She’ll be chatting with you all about the mysteryz of Apocawooz!
Also on Saturday, at 1PM WT MyaWooz is hosting her Star of the Week competition!  She’ll announce atheme Saturday morning to allow you fashionistas plenty of time to get ready.  To enter the contest, simply dress to match her theme and create a Display Eventz in your Unitz!  Good luck!
On Sunday, September 23rd at 1PM WT MaxWooz will take you around the world with his Map Game!  Better study that atlas in your classroom before you play!
Sunday afternoon at 4PM WT, JayWooz is hosting another one of his awesome Unitz Design contests!  Create a Display Eventz using one of the Mysteryz Unitz to show Jay your designing skillz!

Here’s next week’s Eventz calendar!

Schedule for September 24th to September 28th
MondayWhat the Wooz?! talk show4:00 PM WTJayWooz
MondayWhat the Wooz?! talk show (repeat)7:00 PM WTJayWooz
TuesdayFreestyle Hour7:00 PM WTJayWooz
WednesdayMax’s Game Show7:00 PM WTMaxWooz
ThursdayDiscussionz7:00 PM WTJennyWooz
FridayMya’s Late Night Show7:00 PM WTMyaWooz

Articles from Woozens

Preztige Points by GlamChicSupHow do you get preztige pointz? Well, luckily, there are a few things to help you get pointz and level up, and I will be telling you how exactly to do that!
First of all, you can take a photo and share it with all your friends on Woozin! For every picture you take on WW, you will lose 1 energy and gain 1 pointz! :)
You can also collect jobz and collect pointz! You can either go to a unitz and collect them by yourself, or you can collect them with your Woopetz! If you do it alone, it will cost you 1 energy for 1 preztige point. If you do it with your Woopetz then if will cost 5% of you Woopetz’s hunger for TWO preztige pointz! Isn’t that great? DOUBLE the pointz!! :o !!!
A few other cool ways to earn ptz is to wash, feed, or do trickz with your Woopetz for 1 energy. You will receive 1 ptz for doing any one of the Woopetz actionz.
Another 3pic way to earn ptz is to play woth plantz! You’ll lose 1 energy and earn 1 ptz for this! And I luv playing with plantz :D ! You earn beex, wooz, or sometimes even mystery prizes everytime you play with plantz! Cool right? ;) Thought so!
And last but certainly not least, you can vote other woozens or their unitz! You’ll lose 1 energy, but earn 1 pointz! Voting is probably my favorite way to earn ptz cuz you can show how much you appreciate the person or their unitz! Ooh, but there’s a certain amount of votes you can cast per day, because if you cast too many, you’ll get a message saying that you’ve voted too much, but, even so, VOTE!!! :D
Remember, the Preztige system is totally optional; you don’t have to level up if you don’t want to! And if you ever run out of energy remember, you can buy extra energy packs in Shopz! So, peace out, level up, and stay Glam (Haha get it? Cuz Glam is part of my name? Too cheesy? Okay, :I) ‘.’ Bye.
WW Quiz: What Kind of Student Are You? by Mei222Hi woozens. It’s finally fall and that means that the beginning of school has arrived! Take this quiz to discover what type of student you are.
1. What is your favorite class? A. Math.  B. Science.  C. English
2. Choose a class pet: A. Fish.  B. Hamster.  C. Bunny
3. What color would you wear the first day of school?  A. Blue.  B. Green.  C. Orange
4. During class, you like to: A. Take tests (no homework).  B. Do projects.  C. Watch movies
5. Which of these is your favorite elective class? A. Music.  B. Gym.  C. Art
6. Do you want your school to have uniforms? A. Yes.  B. Don’t care.  C. No
7. What do you do after school? A. Finish homework.  B. Play sports.  C. Draw
If you got mostly As: You are very smart and clever and your best subjects are math and history. You generally get good grades and study a lot.
If you got mostly Bs: You are super-athletic and energetic. You love playing all sports and learn best through demonstrations and doing hands-on activities. Your best subjects are science and gym.
If you got mostly Cs: You are very artistic and creative. You come up with tons of new ideas and are very unique. At school, you excel at projects and writing. Your best subjects are English and art.
Hope you enjoyed the quiz!
Xoxo Mei222
Woozworld Protests by smanthacool
Hi!! I’m sure most of you saw woozens writing mean things to animators and saying nobody is gonna show up to What the Wooz or any of the other animators’ events, just because they aren’t making more things in Woozworld like being able to lay on beds or hold things and stuff like that. I think that is rude. The animators try hard to make Woozworld awesome but some of you push them to do more. Do you guys realize, making a site like Woozworld isn’t easy at all!? It’s so hard! It isn’t like you can just snap your fingers and have all that!! So I just wanted to say, have some patience they try very hard and you can’t be so un-patient!! Let them have some time. Also remember it isn’t up to the animators to decide what to put in Woozworld, email Woozworld if you want it. Don’t yell at the animators or the makers of Woozworld! And give them some time.

Fix the problem till 21-30 august and all will be  ok,or unfortunately i will delete this blog.... .You have to be 1650+ viewers!I hope you will do it!

Hey guys :/

Hello guys.I so sad today!You not visit our blog every day......Its herible!I'm say we not can be on blog because of school,and you dont understand.If this continue i will delete blog forever..Realy i will do that.So visit blog every day just on second but visit it!!!I so sad because you do this!You have one week to fix this problem,or i will delete this blog...You have one week 21 august-30 august to be 1650+ viewers or i will delete this blog realy.Fix it plss...

Saturday 15 September 2012

WoozPaper Vol. 123

WoozPaper Vol. 123

Happy Friday Woozens!
Woozens, thank you all for helping us discover GoodOldWooz trapped in his mansion!  You did such a great job with gathering the mysteriouz Collectiblez and deciphering GoodOldWooz’s tricky research notes that we were able to gain access to some ancient caves whose walls explained the prophecy behind Jay’s medallion.  It’s some crazy stuff!  GoodOld is still recovering from the shock of being trapped in a secret cave, but when he recovers we hope he can tell us more about the mysteriouz eventz happening in Woozworld!
With all these new activities, we’ve also been playing around with the awesome new Preztige system!  Some activities in Woozworld now cost energy, but they earn you Preztige points.  With enough points, you can move up to the next level, giving you prizes like Beex, Wooz, and access to cool new items in Shopz!  (For more info, click on the link above to read the blog post from the Woozband.)  The Preztige system adds a whole new level of fun to Woozworld!
We also want to remind all Woozens that bullying and any kind of inappropriate behavior (language, conduct, or Unitz) will not be tolerated in Woozworld.  Moderators will continue closing down inappropriate Unitz. If you aren’t sure as to why your Unitz was closed or why you got a sanction, please read the Code of Conduct (link below).  Mods are here to make sure you can enjoy Woozworld safely and securely!  Please help them do their job by reporting inappropriate behavior (see the Help Center for more information).

Weekend Eventz

This weekend, we know you’ll all be working to level up! ;)
Saturday, September 15th at 1PM WT MyaWooz is hosting her Star of the Week competition!  She’ll announce a theme Saturday morning to allow you fashionistas plenty of time to get ready.  To enter the contest, simply dress to match her theme and create a Display Eventz in your Unitz!  Good luck!
On Sunday, September 16th at 1PM WT we have a special event with GoodOldWooz!  Now that he’s been freed from the cave where he was trapped, he wants to chat with you woozens and thank you for all your hard work on his behalf.
At 4PM WT on SundayJennyWooz will be hosting a game of Woozlympics: Swimming for you woozens to relax and have fun after a hard work of solving Mysteryz!

Here’s next week’s Eventz calendar!

Schedule for September 17th to September 21st
MondayWhat the Wooz?! talk show4:00 PM WTMyaWooz
MondayScavengerz hunt7:00 PM WTMyaWooz
TuesdayDiscussionz4:00 PM WTJennyWooz
TuesdayScavengerz hunt7:00 PM WTJennyWooz
WednesdayFreestyle Hour4:00 PM WTJayWooz
WednesdayScavengerz hunt7:00 PM WTJayWooz
ThursdayMax’s Game Show1:30 PM WTMaxWooz
ThursdayScavengerz hunt7:00 PM WTMaxWooz
FridayScavengerz hunt4:00 PM WTMyaWooz
FridayMya’s Late Night Show7:00 PM WTMyaWooz

Articles from Woozens

Preztige by AlisonifaI know everyone is not exactly loving the newest set up “Preztige.” Don’t worry, once you level up you’ll be in LOVE with it!
This really helps the new people, once they join they just click the vote button a lot of times and level up like three levels! They will obviously love the fact you get lots of wooz and beex. This really helps the non-VIPS too.  Say you’re running low on wooz and you have tons of energy, you can use that energy and level up to get some wooz for anything you would like to buy, or give to another woozen. I really hope woozens don’t protest this because protesting just ruins the fun and gets people in trouble :(
Everyone will soon love the Preztige dont worry! :)
Thanks -Alisonifa
Fashion Tips by MilitaryRanger1) Wear something outrageous!
2) Don’t be afraid to wear what you think looks good even if other people say it looks funny, don’t listen to them!
3) Wear some simple colors for a simple outfit, examples: black and white; pink and purple; yellow and black; yellow and green; blue and red, etc.
4) For other wild colors, close your eyes and count to ten, then move your mouse over one color!
- MilitaryRanger
That’s all!
Relationship Advice by IsabelleMelanieOne of the things you need to know about happy relationships is that it always has to move forward.
Both partners need to add new things into a relationship to keep it exciting and fun.
There are many ways to help a relationship grow, but nothing beats communication, especially in a new relationship.
And perfect communication always starts with happy conversations.
If you know the right things to talk about with your girlfriend, your relationship will bloom into a better romance, and your girlfriend will fall more in love with you too.
Are you running out of conversations to have with your sweeter half?
There may be times when you feel like you have nothing more to say to each other, especially when both of you speak for hours every day.
But if you want to say something interesting, and make her feel more connected to you, here’s what you need to keep in mind.
Talk about your life, the things you want to do, your future goals and aspirations and other things along that line. Girls always like a guy who sees his future and works towards it. You can be spontaneous, fun and live for the moment, but as long as you have a focused life, she’ll be awed by your determination and will like you more.
Until next Friday Woozens!

Sunday 9 September 2012


For jen,someguy,vasky,nejla and -Super-heartz

Jen's Woozen Drawings

Heeeeyaaa heres Jen i wanted to show u my drawings of : Uki ,Milica , and Me :D

Hehe Hope Ya Like It :DD


Now you have my and jen photo.And vote in pool arena!
P.S www mean woozworld xD

Heartz xD

Hyyaaa heres jen after phirst school week *0* It wasn't tht bad.... here is da new pic ;DD
Me and Milica just love he :D he is rly great .. xD

Saturday 8 September 2012



Wednesday 5 September 2012


Hello guys.Yesterday i meet jay in Preztige hangout unit 10.Jen meet him too but she lost connection and no can take a pic.But i take it when Jay say my name :DD
See it?I was so happy yesterday.Btw you can submit you articles till friday.
And one more news:

A few more Mysteryz…

OMG Woozens, the Beex hit the fan on Friday at Jay’s birthday! Jay got thismedallion from an anonymous person and Jay read some words inscribed on the medallion out loud and THEN ShamWooz showed up all mad about something that was started by reading and THEEEENNN… well, it will be better if you just read thecomicz below ;)
And where do we go from here, Woozens?? The Woozband had a long discussion with ShamWooz at the party and found out that he was the Chosen One, The Keeper of the Medallion. Unfortunately, he was only told that the medallion had to be kept safe at all costs; the Ancient Keepers didn’t leave him any further instruction.
If ShamWooz doesn’t know what this crazy medallion stuff is all about, who does?  Some very clever Woozens attending Jay’s party suggested that the Woozband ask that masterful old-timer,GoodOldWooz!  After leaving Jay’s birthday we packed our bags and went on a road trip to find the wise man of Woozworld.  We weren’t sure if he’d be back from his round-the-world Adventurz with you Woozens!
On Tuesday we made it to GoodOld’s mansion, and it seemed like he was home; his luggage was all in the hall.  Weirdly, though, we couldn’t find a trace of GoodOld anywhere – except his hat stuck under a door.  Is he still traveling?  When will he return?  Will he be able to help us understand the secrets of the medallion?
Woozens, we’ll need your help! Looks like we have to solve a few more…
And here are answers from Mysteryz room 1:
1. England
2. Unidentified Flying Object
3.Area 51
Btw then u must click pod name i want to solve and pick a ghoust!!
Milica108 :)

Sunday 2 September 2012

Hey guys.Please vote for the best blogger for now.and no one person send articles.I so angry.Fix it and voteee.You have one week more to submit you articles.Thanks

Saturday 1 September 2012

1300+ viewers!

Glitter Text @

Hello guys

Hello guys!!You miss me so much.Sorry i no visit blog every day cause no have time,or play with friend outside.But school start at monday,and i so sad about that!No more comp,woozworld,facebook,just study,study,study and study.Now we will busy and sorry if we not visit blog..........But lets talk about new wzw and preztige.Do you like preztige?Me some and Jen are on level tin but we will go up,up,up!Me soo like it because its fantactic,but i must go with pet and get a job......Btw we got so many viewers thanks realy for that.Interview with super are not done because he not have time,but when i interview with him i will share it!!!!!!!!!!Btw do you like the Jay birthday?I miss it but i know what hapened,Jen tell me everything,about winner and other stufs.I realy miss all but i will try to visit blog......So sorry but we not can visit blog every day but we will try to post something and be with you.
Btw vote in pool arena for:
1.Do you like preztige?
2.Give a points for Jay Birthday
and the writter: milica108 :)

Friday 31 August 2012

Jay's B-Day Party -FULL-

Yoooo Its Jen and its 12:30 AM and im' still awake :D I just saw Jays B-day party unit and saw 1000+ woozens in :D
I'm in queue at 500 .-.
At the begin of party Jenny and Mya talked about Jay , how nice , awsome , good ( all nice ) about him
It  was realyy awsome but BROKEN QUEUE 0.0
When he arrived Max said we should make noise , as much we can xD and then he camedd :)
At the party them will choose STAR OF THE NIGHT ;D
The party was amazing .. well to watch xD
I also lovvee then new Colection , well the Costumes :$
But LOL i love when i see all 4 Woozband members together in a unit :D
He says he failed ,
He needed 500 years a go to care for a medallion , he says somethign about a blue moon that is tonight .. with failed , what Sham says .. he wanted
He wasnt even mean , he tryed to safe us ...
Well how somebody gave Jay in his present the medallion that Sham keeped safe..
Well the woozband gonna ask Goodold Wooz .. he is on a trip, we hope he is back xx
If we dont do somethign untill tuesday ... 0-0
Sham ain't evil , but someone other is evil , someone stole the medallion that Sham keeped safe and hidden for too long..
Like Max said : ''This Can't Ruin Our Night!''
He was just trying to protect us .... and the world..
But dont worry WE'RE THE WOOZEN UNITE !
 After all that , we still celebrate Jays Birth Day Party ;D btw Awsome cake Jenny ..... WELL seems there be a MysteryZ thingy , and i guess a new colection!! ;D .. thats alll for now ,  -JEN-

Thursday 30 August 2012


Looks like Woozworld is down pretty long. Looks like that's it!! Preztige is coming!! Or not? 0.0 I don't know, I just can't wait for Woozworld to start working again to see what happened xD By the time goes, I'm getting more and more excited!! xD Maybe, as sometimes, it's just fake alarm, but I hope not. For those who didn't hear it, I DO LIKE new Preztige thing. I do! It really looks fun! I know, that energy stuff waiting is boring... But still, we will see what happens XD
I hope Woozworld will come!

Tuesday 28 August 2012

My new look C=

Heyyy guys! x3 Someguy123 here! Yesterday at about 1:30 PM new collection came out!! :D So this is how I look now :3 By the way, Jay's birthday is coming in 2 days!! It will be at WoozWoodz camp at 6:30 PM. I guess I won't eb there 'cause it's over midnight then... And I won't be home! x3 His birthday theme is carnival! Cool,huh? ;P
See you everyone,

Monday 27 August 2012

What the..

Cheack out Woozworld Deadline! I totally got hacked! If you look up, at the tab, It says "Crappy Woozworld Deadline" Noo!!!!! It's my favourite Woozworld blog!
I think there's no reason of posting a screenshoot.

D': I hope everything goes all right,


Hi Woozens! Someguy123 here! Ugh, there's only one week left to school..T-T So I guess I won't be on Woozworld that often.
But let's go with good news!
We've reached 1200 views!Thank you all so much!
Keep going,

Saturday 25 August 2012

That Snobo -.-

Hi guys! This morning I logged in and this is what I saw! Looks like Snobo is back AGAIN!! Will he ever give up? :/

The WoozPaper Vol. 121

The WoozPaper Vol. 121

Happy Friday Woozens!
WoozBusters, we’ve uncovered so much new information about ShamWooz!  Thanks to your excellent work uncovering clues in the 500-year-old ghost‘s memory Unitz, we now know that was an ancient shaman assigned to protect Woozworld against some terrifying event!  Now that we know ShamWooz isn’t as bad as we thought, how can we help him?  There’s still so much more for you WoozBusters to figure out!
And of course, there’s also an extra-special event a week from today – JayWooz’s birthday party!  Whoooooo!
We also want to remind all Woozens that bullying and any kind of inappropriate behavior (language, conduct, or Unitz) will not be tolerated in Woozworld.  Moderators will continue closing down inappropriate Unitz. If you aren’t sure as to why your Unitz was closed or why you got a sanction, please read the Code of Conduct (link below).  Mods are here to make sure you can enjoy Woozworld safely and securely!  Please help them do their job by reporting inappropriate behavior (see the Help Center for more information).

Weekend Eventz

This weekend, be sure to rest well – Jay’s birthday is coming up on Friday!
On Sunday, August 26th from 1PM WT, JennyWooz will be in Woozworld to go Swimming with all you woozens!

Jay’s Unitz Design Challenge Winners

Last weekend Jay held a Unitz Design Challenge for you to create your very own WoozWoodz Camp Cabin! Woozens, we must say again, you are all very talented! Every time Jay does the Unitz Challenge, it gets harder and harder to choose a win!

Here’s next week’s Eventz calendar!

Schedule for August 20th to August 24th
MondayWhat the Wooz?! talk show4:00 PM WTJayWooz
MondayWhat the Wooz?! talk show (repeat)7:00 PM WTJayWooz
TuesdayHurdles Game4:00 PM WTJennyWooz
TuesdayDiscussionz with Jenny7:00 PM WTJennyWooz
WednesdayLast WoozSportz Weekly!4:00 PM WTJayWooz
WednesdayFreestyle Hour7:00 PM WTJayWooz
ThursdayMax’s Game Show3:00 PM WTMaxWooz
ThursdayMax’s Game Show7:00 PM WTMaxWooz
FridayMya’s Late Night Show4:00 PM WTMyaWooz
FridayJay’s Birthday Bash6:30 PM WTall Woozband

Articles from Woozens

ShamWooz Theory by carter224So I was checking out Shamwooz’s Memory Unitz, and you know how Shamwooz is 500 years old?  Well maybe he was the protector of a key or something so maybe he was warning us to leave because he was trying to protect the key. So maybe all those spells he has been casting might be to stop the person who wants to destroy Woozworld – he could trying to stop ZackWooz. We know how he hates the Woozband, so ZackWooz might be trying to destroy Woozworld forever so maybe we should keep our eyes peeled for Sham and ZackWooz, because one might be good and one might be evil so maybe we should try to catch ZackWooz just to be safe. Who knows maybe ZeenaWooz could be planning to destroy Woozworld!
Interviews with Woozens by Mei222Hi Woozens,
Hope you’re having an amazing summer! Today I interviewed several Woozens on their thoughts on Woozworld, style and the latest news. Thank you to everyone I interviewed for your time and opinions!
On Woozworld
Mei222: How long have you been on Woozworld and what do you think of it so far?
MaxRosy: 14 days and this is an awesome game! I go on it every day.
Mei222: What is your favorite thing to do in Woozworld?
XSwaggaBabeX: Make friends and go shopping :)
On Style
Mei222: What are the latest fall trends in Woozworld?
The-Jester: I’m not really that into fashion, but pastel colors are “in” right now. Pajamas are definitely a popular style in Woozworld. Also the loose braids and most of the lifeguard clothes are trendy. (The-Jester is wearing a dark shade of the explorer ponytail, a black, white and red varsity jacket, dark skinny jeans and red African summer sneakers)
Mei222: What colors in clothing do think are going to be big this fall?
Danielledyn: I think it would be red black and blue.
Mei222: How would you describe your own style?
-LoVeU-: Style is how I show my own passion and it also shows who I am.  I would describe it as a rocker mixed princess look. (-LoVeU- is wearing a black and white spring flowers dress, black with white headband summer camp cutie hair and sneakers)
On Special Events
Mei222: What did you think of the Woozlympics?
ellen131: It was great because all the eventz were exciting and you were able to see all the animators too.
That’s all the interviews for today! Thanks for reading.
xoxoxo Mei222
Back-to-School Tips by Nelio4Hey guys! It’s Nelio4 but you can call me Nelly. Anyway, let’s get right to it! IT is THAT time of the year once again that evveeeeryyyyone dreads……. BACK….. TO….. SCHOOL!  Tip One: Always get homework done first (if your parents find out they could take away your computer time). Tip Two: You don’t have to play for seven hours a day. Something from 30 minutes to an hour is good. Tip Three: Set a timer and around 5 minutes before the timer goes out say goodbye or do whatever you need to do then. Why? Because, like me I get distracted and get myself into another situation that means I’ll be on later than I want to be. . .  I hope these helped! :D Have a WoozWorld Day! -Nelly / Nelio4
Until next Friday Woozens!