Friday 31 August 2012

Jay's B-Day Party -FULL-

Yoooo Its Jen and its 12:30 AM and im' still awake :D I just saw Jays B-day party unit and saw 1000+ woozens in :D
I'm in queue at 500 .-.
At the begin of party Jenny and Mya talked about Jay , how nice , awsome , good ( all nice ) about him
It  was realyy awsome but BROKEN QUEUE 0.0
When he arrived Max said we should make noise , as much we can xD and then he camedd :)
At the party them will choose STAR OF THE NIGHT ;D
The party was amazing .. well to watch xD
I also lovvee then new Colection , well the Costumes :$
But LOL i love when i see all 4 Woozband members together in a unit :D
He says he failed ,
He needed 500 years a go to care for a medallion , he says somethign about a blue moon that is tonight .. with failed , what Sham says .. he wanted
He wasnt even mean , he tryed to safe us ...
Well how somebody gave Jay in his present the medallion that Sham keeped safe..
Well the woozband gonna ask Goodold Wooz .. he is on a trip, we hope he is back xx
If we dont do somethign untill tuesday ... 0-0
Sham ain't evil , but someone other is evil , someone stole the medallion that Sham keeped safe and hidden for too long..
Like Max said : ''This Can't Ruin Our Night!''
He was just trying to protect us .... and the world..
But dont worry WE'RE THE WOOZEN UNITE !
 After all that , we still celebrate Jays Birth Day Party ;D btw Awsome cake Jenny ..... WELL seems there be a MysteryZ thingy , and i guess a new colection!! ;D .. thats alll for now ,  -JEN-

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