Tuesday 18 March 2014

Hey guys

Sorry because i was lazy to open this blog(tbh xD),and i was busy too so ya....From now i will post more i promise...I dont want to get this blog in 'garbage' and to just throw it away because i was working hard to make it and now i hae more then 5000+ viewers...So ya...Even if i don't have so much viewers i love this blog and i just don't want to delete it......
So from now i promise i will post more,and i will try to post everyday....But i am really busy with school and i don't have time to visit it...So ya...
Btw please subscribe my channel,and watch this trailer of it -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMFKXlCHMy0 and please watch and like some of my music videos...Soon you will see it more,you will watch movies,i will make contest with a big prize so ya..You will have fun and maybe u will win :D
Some of my music videos
So be ready for fun,and visit this blog...I will try to post every day or every 2 days :)
I hope soon we will have 10000+ viewers,then i will create big contest :D
But while we are waiting for it,be ready for fun,movies,contest,be ready for new updates on blog :)
Ty :)

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