Tuesday 29 October 2013

Baaack :D - 23 facts about Jen !

Haaay ! It's me Jen ... since i didn't post anything for the past few months ....here i am BAACK XD
Anyways i hopefully will be posting more stuff xD 
Okie : Today i'll b here with 23 facts about me .... let's start C:

1.I live in Europe C:
2.I have a older brother .. i hate him so bad
3. From the school subjects i hate : art,biology,music,maths,physics and freacking p.e
4.Subjects that i love : German,english,history,geography...yeaa thats probably it '-'
5.i love 1D  - Mostly all .. but Harry is my fave :D
6. '----'
7.I Love pizza , and all those sweet stuff on the world.
8.I am NOT a morning person ... lol little story : Once i had p.e in the morning like 7:30.... i wasn't running ! .. i could not even throw a ball.....
9.I Hate school. ,-, 
10: I mostly follow all those big youtubers on youtube
11: I can cook ... at least these easy making food.
12: I love beanies xD i got like 20 of them xD .... but they're somewhere in my closet....wich are probably dirty that i wore last winter 0-0
13.I've got a BFF ... and i <3 her
14.I am addicted to electronics ( phone , laptop, tv , mp4, tablet ... etc )
15.I love food and sleeping .. sometimes its so hard to leave the bed :'( 
16.I been on karate when i was 7 untill i was 9 ... and i stoped ... in these few years i beat up a guy xD 
17.I play basketball ... in free time with friends xD
18.I love listening to music ... one of my favorites now are The Fox and Story of My Life... 
19. As you can realize i love 1D .... also one of my faves are : Selena Gomez , Demi Lovato , Little Mix, Taylor Swift , Cher Lloyd , Ariana Grande , Avicii ,Bruno Mars , Ellie Goulding, Fifth Harmony ,Icona pop , Flo Rida , Jason Derulo ,Paramore ... and waaay more xD
20.I love woozworld XD a
21.I Had a account before Jen... its already 2 years a go it got hacked and right after i got hacked i got Jen profile wich was 1 year .. so it equals 3 years xD
22.I want to study as possible much away from my stupid country i want to go to USA , UK .... and Germany :)
23.I don't know anything more .. .jk .... i got mix of all grades in school xD

 Thats it now '-' ..... Bye!!!  -Jen-

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