Friday 31 August 2012

Jay's B-Day Party -FULL-

Yoooo Its Jen and its 12:30 AM and im' still awake :D I just saw Jays B-day party unit and saw 1000+ woozens in :D
I'm in queue at 500 .-.
At the begin of party Jenny and Mya talked about Jay , how nice , awsome , good ( all nice ) about him
It  was realyy awsome but BROKEN QUEUE 0.0
When he arrived Max said we should make noise , as much we can xD and then he camedd :)
At the party them will choose STAR OF THE NIGHT ;D
The party was amazing .. well to watch xD
I also lovvee then new Colection , well the Costumes :$
But LOL i love when i see all 4 Woozband members together in a unit :D
He says he failed ,
He needed 500 years a go to care for a medallion , he says somethign about a blue moon that is tonight .. with failed , what Sham says .. he wanted
He wasnt even mean , he tryed to safe us ...
Well how somebody gave Jay in his present the medallion that Sham keeped safe..
Well the woozband gonna ask Goodold Wooz .. he is on a trip, we hope he is back xx
If we dont do somethign untill tuesday ... 0-0
Sham ain't evil , but someone other is evil , someone stole the medallion that Sham keeped safe and hidden for too long..
Like Max said : ''This Can't Ruin Our Night!''
He was just trying to protect us .... and the world..
But dont worry WE'RE THE WOOZEN UNITE !
 After all that , we still celebrate Jays Birth Day Party ;D btw Awsome cake Jenny ..... WELL seems there be a MysteryZ thingy , and i guess a new colection!! ;D .. thats alll for now ,  -JEN-

Thursday 30 August 2012


Looks like Woozworld is down pretty long. Looks like that's it!! Preztige is coming!! Or not? 0.0 I don't know, I just can't wait for Woozworld to start working again to see what happened xD By the time goes, I'm getting more and more excited!! xD Maybe, as sometimes, it's just fake alarm, but I hope not. For those who didn't hear it, I DO LIKE new Preztige thing. I do! It really looks fun! I know, that energy stuff waiting is boring... But still, we will see what happens XD
I hope Woozworld will come!

Tuesday 28 August 2012

My new look C=

Heyyy guys! x3 Someguy123 here! Yesterday at about 1:30 PM new collection came out!! :D So this is how I look now :3 By the way, Jay's birthday is coming in 2 days!! It will be at WoozWoodz camp at 6:30 PM. I guess I won't eb there 'cause it's over midnight then... And I won't be home! x3 His birthday theme is carnival! Cool,huh? ;P
See you everyone,

Monday 27 August 2012

What the..

Cheack out Woozworld Deadline! I totally got hacked! If you look up, at the tab, It says "Crappy Woozworld Deadline" Noo!!!!! It's my favourite Woozworld blog!
I think there's no reason of posting a screenshoot.

D': I hope everything goes all right,


Hi Woozens! Someguy123 here! Ugh, there's only one week left to school..T-T So I guess I won't be on Woozworld that often.
But let's go with good news!
We've reached 1200 views!Thank you all so much!
Keep going,

Saturday 25 August 2012

That Snobo -.-

Hi guys! This morning I logged in and this is what I saw! Looks like Snobo is back AGAIN!! Will he ever give up? :/

The WoozPaper Vol. 121

The WoozPaper Vol. 121

Happy Friday Woozens!
WoozBusters, we’ve uncovered so much new information about ShamWooz!  Thanks to your excellent work uncovering clues in the 500-year-old ghost‘s memory Unitz, we now know that was an ancient shaman assigned to protect Woozworld against some terrifying event!  Now that we know ShamWooz isn’t as bad as we thought, how can we help him?  There’s still so much more for you WoozBusters to figure out!
And of course, there’s also an extra-special event a week from today – JayWooz’s birthday party!  Whoooooo!
We also want to remind all Woozens that bullying and any kind of inappropriate behavior (language, conduct, or Unitz) will not be tolerated in Woozworld.  Moderators will continue closing down inappropriate Unitz. If you aren’t sure as to why your Unitz was closed or why you got a sanction, please read the Code of Conduct (link below).  Mods are here to make sure you can enjoy Woozworld safely and securely!  Please help them do their job by reporting inappropriate behavior (see the Help Center for more information).

Weekend Eventz

This weekend, be sure to rest well – Jay’s birthday is coming up on Friday!
On Sunday, August 26th from 1PM WT, JennyWooz will be in Woozworld to go Swimming with all you woozens!

Jay’s Unitz Design Challenge Winners

Last weekend Jay held a Unitz Design Challenge for you to create your very own WoozWoodz Camp Cabin! Woozens, we must say again, you are all very talented! Every time Jay does the Unitz Challenge, it gets harder and harder to choose a win!

Here’s next week’s Eventz calendar!

Schedule for August 20th to August 24th
MondayWhat the Wooz?! talk show4:00 PM WTJayWooz
MondayWhat the Wooz?! talk show (repeat)7:00 PM WTJayWooz
TuesdayHurdles Game4:00 PM WTJennyWooz
TuesdayDiscussionz with Jenny7:00 PM WTJennyWooz
WednesdayLast WoozSportz Weekly!4:00 PM WTJayWooz
WednesdayFreestyle Hour7:00 PM WTJayWooz
ThursdayMax’s Game Show3:00 PM WTMaxWooz
ThursdayMax’s Game Show7:00 PM WTMaxWooz
FridayMya’s Late Night Show4:00 PM WTMyaWooz
FridayJay’s Birthday Bash6:30 PM WTall Woozband

Articles from Woozens

ShamWooz Theory by carter224So I was checking out Shamwooz’s Memory Unitz, and you know how Shamwooz is 500 years old?  Well maybe he was the protector of a key or something so maybe he was warning us to leave because he was trying to protect the key. So maybe all those spells he has been casting might be to stop the person who wants to destroy Woozworld – he could trying to stop ZackWooz. We know how he hates the Woozband, so ZackWooz might be trying to destroy Woozworld forever so maybe we should keep our eyes peeled for Sham and ZackWooz, because one might be good and one might be evil so maybe we should try to catch ZackWooz just to be safe. Who knows maybe ZeenaWooz could be planning to destroy Woozworld!
Interviews with Woozens by Mei222Hi Woozens,
Hope you’re having an amazing summer! Today I interviewed several Woozens on their thoughts on Woozworld, style and the latest news. Thank you to everyone I interviewed for your time and opinions!
On Woozworld
Mei222: How long have you been on Woozworld and what do you think of it so far?
MaxRosy: 14 days and this is an awesome game! I go on it every day.
Mei222: What is your favorite thing to do in Woozworld?
XSwaggaBabeX: Make friends and go shopping :)
On Style
Mei222: What are the latest fall trends in Woozworld?
The-Jester: I’m not really that into fashion, but pastel colors are “in” right now. Pajamas are definitely a popular style in Woozworld. Also the loose braids and most of the lifeguard clothes are trendy. (The-Jester is wearing a dark shade of the explorer ponytail, a black, white and red varsity jacket, dark skinny jeans and red African summer sneakers)
Mei222: What colors in clothing do think are going to be big this fall?
Danielledyn: I think it would be red black and blue.
Mei222: How would you describe your own style?
-LoVeU-: Style is how I show my own passion and it also shows who I am.  I would describe it as a rocker mixed princess look. (-LoVeU- is wearing a black and white spring flowers dress, black with white headband summer camp cutie hair and sneakers)
On Special Events
Mei222: What did you think of the Woozlympics?
ellen131: It was great because all the eventz were exciting and you were able to see all the animators too.
That’s all the interviews for today! Thanks for reading.
xoxoxo Mei222
Back-to-School Tips by Nelio4Hey guys! It’s Nelio4 but you can call me Nelly. Anyway, let’s get right to it! IT is THAT time of the year once again that evveeeeryyyyone dreads……. BACK….. TO….. SCHOOL!  Tip One: Always get homework done first (if your parents find out they could take away your computer time). Tip Two: You don’t have to play for seven hours a day. Something from 30 minutes to an hour is good. Tip Three: Set a timer and around 5 minutes before the timer goes out say goodbye or do whatever you need to do then. Why? Because, like me I get distracted and get myself into another situation that means I’ll be on later than I want to be. . .  I hope these helped! :D Have a WoozWorld Day! -Nelly / Nelio4
Until next Friday Woozens!

Friday 24 August 2012

New furniture at Mya's Late Night Show!

Hi guys! xD Someguy123 here ! Fie minutes ago,I was randomly checking Hot Now. And I saw 150 Woozens at Mya's Late Night Show! o.O When I entered this is what I see! Looks amazing! :O Maybe it's something with new leveling up ... I don't know, it just gets me more excited! xD Don't miss tonight's Mya's Late Night Show at 7:00 PM! 
See ya Woozens, ;P


Hi Woozens! Someguy123 here!
Here I am, to show you a new thing called Preztige.
I know many Woozens don't like it,but why not?
It kinda sounds fun! And for all who don't like this thing:
It's optional! :D So you don't have to do it.
Coming soon to Woozworld!
Woo! Excited!
Someguy123 ;)

Wednesday 22 August 2012

New Update

Heeey :D Jen heree , last night i did came back from my grandpa's house .. it were just amazing with my cousinss ( 23,21,14,11) well i'm the younges of all kinds ..but we were out one night and came back at 12:00 (middle  night) xD and it were such fun
In manny days i'm going to capital city of Bosnia ( Sarajevo)
Agein with my cousins :DD i wont be there , but dont worry uki and milica  are there 
I Saw new WW clothing new WoozWoozdz Camp Stuff   ***Week 4 ***
And School almost there :'( 
summer is soo short ( for me ) 
i think on myas late night show she will show  us ( maybe ) Back To School Clothing xD
thats all for now 


Heyyyy Woozens! ;D We're so proud of you! We've reached 1100 viewers! ;D
Thank you so much,

Hello everyone ;)

Someguy123 here! What's up? :D
Well, I have some good news.-Vel has made another Join the gang form on !
She says she will select atleast 3 Woozens! So I pat my info in form. Wish me luck '0'! Let the best blogger win! ;D
Have a nice day,

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Contect About School

Hello guys,milly here!!!!!!!!!How are you???????????????School is so near -.-
So i make contect about outfit for school!!!!!!!!!!!You can vote on pool arena
SOOOOO.Which outfit is better?
1.On this picture:
2.On this picture:
Now you can vote :)

Monday 20 August 2012

Hey ! xD

Hello guys ! :D Someguy123 here ;D ! I'm here to show you my new look xD And... some fashion tips for boys :D
Did you ever ask yourself: what 2 colors to choose? Choosing two colors is so in these days in Woozworld!As you see, I chose neon blue and white  colors, and blonde hair.
You can choose:
-Like me xD
-Black hair, black and white colors.
-Brown hair, black and red colors
-Red,orange hair green and red colors.
And much more! :D
I just gave you few ideas and you can think of your own!
Be creative Woozens!

Sunday 19 August 2012

Submit Articles

Hello guys!!!!!!!You can submit you articles here:
Woozen name:
Email Address:
What category does your article fit into? Cheat and codes
Woozworld fame ppl
Milica's and Jenny's Funny pic
Short Stories
Jen's Design
Our fave WW Movies/music
Type in your article here:

Form provided by Freedback.

Wow guys! :O

I can't believe it!! We've reached a THOUSAND people! Thank you guys sooo much!


Hello guys milica here!!!!!!!!Im ask -Super-heartz for interview and he say yes!!!!!!!!!!Im will ask him so many questions later and share with you!!!!!!!!!!!Be ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And one breaking news in woozworld:Maybe we need soon to go level up,have energy...........But me not like it.No can anymore guys give free,no can trade,just do what wzw say to level up!!!!!!!!!!!Im hope its not true!!!!!!!Im hate all games with levels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So im hope to isnt a true!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here are the all from blog:

Wooz Weekly: The Next Woozworld???

Looking through my messages today, I came across one that was titled “CONFIDENTIAL WOOZWORLD 2.0” so I opened it… and in the message I saw this little gem!
The source that sent it wants to remain anonymous but gives us some details to a massive upcoming Woozworld update.
“In what we are calling Woozworld 2.0, your Woozen will be able to level up,” the anonymous leaker states, “everyone will start at level 1 and the highest at the moment is Level 50…”.
The confidential screenshot that we have displays some new content on our WoozIn, showing the level and some crown/thunder bolt icons with a status bar.
The source dishes on more leveling facts.
“You won’t be able to get SOME items in Shopz (no items currently in Woozworld will change) until you reach that level,” says the insider, “and the items are H-O-T!”
But back to those little icons, what could they mean?! Could the crown be about your level and thelightening bolt be… ENERGY?
I will try to get more information for you! This update looks like a big one!
You heard it here first!

Saturday 18 August 2012

Wow !

Hello guys! Someguy123 here!Did you check WoozWeekly? It says there will be AMAZING new update! We can LEVEL UP and have ENERGY! Woo, it's really exciting! But still It's Woozarazzi. It may not be true! But be optimistic Woozens XD!

-Super-heartz are back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello guys!!!!!!!!!!!Do you hear news??????????-Super-heartz are back in woozworld with -Aaron-heartz.Super miss me so much so im huggy him xDD
Im will ask him for interview.If he accept then im will share with you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Im hope he will accept!!!
Im with brown hair and pink top :)
milica108 :)

We Ready for 1000 viewers!

Hello guys.Milly here.How are you???????Im and other bloggers are ready for 1000 viewers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And you be ready because im then put place for you articles :)

Hello everyone!! ;)

Hello everyone! My name is someguy123 and I'm your new blogger! ;DD I'm 13. I'm from Serbia. I love Woozworld xD!
Not single '.'
My besties: Milica108, Jenloveuono, Minnniemouse, GoogleForEver, Babylove1230, VaskyRawrz... And much more! xD I hope you have a great day! ;)

Short Stories

                                                 Love for one day
In one villa,near London life one girl who have too that day to get married.But her no have boyfriend,and its be so hard to find a good!Her name is Laraa.The day she god idea to walking and ask all boys do wish married with her.Lara its be so beautiful and so nice.First her saw one boy Zack.He be the poor,but so beautiful.....And her not pick him because her parents wish to boy be so rich and have so much money.She continue walking and saw rich boy,but the boy look awful.He never wash teeth,hands,take a shower......Then she saw beautiful and rich boy named Jay.And he saw her and propose her.Then Jay and Larra marriend and life happy

sorry for grammar -.-
milica108 :/


Hello guys!!!!!!!!Im so sad!!!!!!!!!!Im get warning from woozworld because im making bad comments.But im just tell someguy123 to im will make him to be a blogger here,and me need his email.Then im got a warning -.-
Really im nothing do!!!!!!!!!And thanks for 900+ viewers!!!!!!!!Im so happy about that.Goal is 1000 and then im put place for you articles.Thanks for reading this

Friday 17 August 2012

New update

Heyyy woozens guess where i am now? in middle of nowhere , i'm in a airplane going back to Bosnia ..
well .. idk whats up in WW but i know next week will come new back 2 school stuff ( realy cute ) ^_^
thats all for now ...

The WoozPaper Vol. 120

The WoozPaper Vol. 120

Happy Friday Woozens!
Woozens, you’re doing a great job!  With your Woozbusting help, it seems we’ve begun to understand some of the mystery behind ShamWooz!  After Woozbusting woozen Nikki-Ashley managed to capture ShamWooz on Tuesday, we were able to gain access to some of his most powerful memories.  We’ve seen the ancient village where he lived, and learned he was an important citizen when we gained access to his 500-year-old house!  But there’s still much more to learn before he drives us out ofWoozWoodz with his terrible enchanted plants and bugs!
We also want to remind all Woozens that bullying and any kind of inappropriate behavior (language, conduct, or Unitz) will not be tolerated in Woozworld.  Moderators will continue closing down inappropriate Unitz. If you aren’t sure as to why your Unitz was closed or why you got a sanction, please read the Code of Conduct (link below).  Mods are here to make sure you can enjoy Woozworld safely and securely!  Please help them do their job by reporting inappropriate behavior (see the Help Center for more information).

Weekend Eventz

This weekend we’ll have fun while avoiding ShamWooz’s tricks and enchantments!  JayWooz is bringing back an old favorite event with a weekend-long Unitz Design Contest!  You woozens can submit your best camp cabin design in the enlist podz in Jay’s Unitz Design HQ all weekend.

Here’s next week’s Eventz calendar!

Schedule for August 20th to August 24th
MondayWoozBusters!1:00 PM WTMyaWooz
MondayWhat the Wooz?! talk show4:00 PM WTMyaWooz
TuesdaySwimming1:00 PM WTJennyWooz
TuesdayDiscussionz with Jenny4:00 PM WTJennyWooz
WednesdayFreestyle Hour11:00 AM WTJayWooz
WednesdayWoozBusters!1:00 PM WTJayWooz
WednesdayWoozSportz Weekly4:00 PM WTJayWooz
ThursdayKayaking1:00 PM WTMaxWooz
ThursdayMax’s Game Show4:00 PM WTMaxWooz
FridayMya’s Style Update4:00 PM WTMyaWooz
FridayMya’s Late Night Show7:00 PM WTMyaWooz

Articles from Woozens

ShamWooz: Evil Guy or Lonely Ghost? by misscutie176We all know about ShamWooz. And I bet a bunch of you think he is evil. But we don’t know that for sure! He could just be a lonely guy. The Woodz we used for camp could have been his home, and we just went and destroyed it. He could just be to shy to come to us and talk. Maybe if we shared the Woodz, we could all become friends, and welcome him into Woozworld!
True, he could be evil, but we never know until we find out! I’m sure we just need to ask him why the Woodz is so important to him, we could find out about him. Everyone deserves a chance. Although he looks a little different than all of us, we should still give him a little respect!
ShamWooz, Woozworld welcomes you!
Woozworld on Facebook by Cupcake37Hey Woozens do you have a Facebook? :O If so please Like the Woozworld Facebook page! Why, you ask? Well I’ll tell you why :).
If 50,000 Woozens like the page then everyone who liked the page will receive an exclusive #1 Fan shirt for their woozen! Cool right?
Well that’s not all. They’ll even select 25 lucky woozens that will get a  #1 Fan trophy!
That’s not all. This one last thing I’m going to tell you will blow your mind! 1 extremely lucky winner will get to spend 30 minutes with their favorite Woozband member! Full 1-on-1 time with your favorite Woozband member!
Remember all this can happen if you Like Woozworld on Facebook and enter the contest (be sure to read the rules carefully)! Thank you so much!  xoxo – Cakes :)
Sushi Tips by KatanyaHi Woozens!
Have you checked out the newest Adventurz? If you are stuck on sushi making, here are some tips.
1. Check out the orders. What ingredient goes first? Maybe that is the order in which you stack them…
2. You need to gather the ingredients. The salmon and the avocado need to be clicked on rapidly. It will cut them into the right size. But be quick about it!
3.  You will notice that there is a plate or bowl under each banner. The foods you make will be served on these platters.
4. All you need to do for the first banner is stack the ingredients.  One of the other banners will need the same method.
5. One food will need to be deep-fried.
Those are my tips for sushi making. Good luck!
Until next Friday Woozens!
milica108 :)

Thursday 16 August 2012

Style Section

Hello guys!!!!!!!!!!!!Its time for pjs style section!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here are the style:
Hair:Pj Party Messy Mane
Top:Romper Sleep Top
Pants:Pirate Pajama Pants
Shoes:Heart anklet
milica108 :)

Wednesday 15 August 2012

800+ viewers ;D

Hellooo :D Sup out there? Lol much of u will say nm but i  have much new
me and milli have over 800 viewers ! :D great when it be 1000 u can send us youre articles and the bets win and..... 2000+ BLOGGER XD
sooo heres another picture and KEEEP GOING SO GOOD , watch us everday bc..we got manny new stuff , updates for shamwooz,about fashion, and more :P

Tuesday 14 August 2012


Hello guys!!!!!!!!!Today is contect about cute petz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So you can vote in pool arena for cute pet!!!!!So here are the pictures!
You now can vote :)

Monday 13 August 2012

Woozlympics WINNER! and more ww news

Heyy i were watch who won what :D I aint any of them but..idc xD
Well lemme say who won , i begin whit last place:

ANDDDD the winners are


also...we saw shamwooz :| ww stuff  WoozWoodz Camp  ***Week 3***
awsome pjs buut ..da fuq now woozband made some stuff VIPS only -.-'' thats stupid
 ..alsooo Mya Did Guy Jay...smeels like love :P
thats for now xD

Sunday 12 August 2012

Talking about blog

Hello guys!How are you???Im so glad to we have 700 and more viewers!!!!!!!Me and Jen will try the best for blog!!!!!Im here to say you our ideas for this blog!First when be 1000 viewers im will make articles,so you can send you idea for blog,or something other!New blogger Im will pick when be 2000+ viewers!!So visit blog every day xD.And normally every day you have new pages and other funny stufs about woozworld!So keep folow this blog,and woozworld.............
That is it for now!!!
milica108 :)
P.S Sorry for grammar -.-

700 viewers!

Yay guys!!!!!!!We are rocks!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks for good suprise :)
Goal:800 viewers
milica108 :)

Saturday 11 August 2012

asdasg is new hacker

Hello guys!!!!!!!!!!!The new hacker are make unit and put figure '' Im give 1000 wooz''
But no click it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Maybe you got banned!!!!!!!!!!
Here are the picture:

So no go there or click that figure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday 10 August 2012

650 viewers :)

Heyaaa for so short so much viewers? WHOAA THANKSS

Style Section

Hello guys,sorry im not visit blog so much time!!but im will now post the Style Section.So enjoy!!!!!!!
Here are style:
1.Beautiful Mya Style

2.See what are hot!!
That is all,im hope you like it!!!!!!And im hope to we get 650 viewers soon!!
milica108 :)

The WoozPaper Vol. 119

The WoozPaper Vol. 119

Happy Friday Woozens!
The Woozlympics are almost over!  Haven’t they gone by quickly?  After some final events this weekend, the Woozband will host the Woozlympics Closing Ceremony on Monday.  They will be celebrating everyone’s achievements in the sporting, artistic, and animation challenges, as well as revealing thefinal point totals!  May the best team win!
And don’t worry, woozens – even though the Woozlympics may be ending soon, WoozWoodz Camp has a lot more fun in store for the rest of the month!  (Just as long as ShamWooz doesn’t show up!)
We also want to remind all Woozens that bullying and any kind of inappropriate behavior (language, conduct, or Unitz) will not be tolerated in Woozworld.  Moderators will continue closing down inappropriate Unitz. If you aren’t sure as to why your Unitz was closed or why you got a sanction, please read the Code of Conduct (link below).  Mods are here to make sure you can enjoy Woozworld safely and securely!  Please help them do their job by reporting inappropriate behavior (see the Help Center for more information).  

Weekend Eventz

This weekend is our first at WoozWoodz Camp!
Saturday, August 11th at 1PM WT MyaWooz will be visiting Display Eventz to search for the next Star of the Week!  She will announce the theme Saturday morning to allow you star woozens plenty of time to get ready!
Also on Saturday, at 4PM WT, MyaWooz will be hosting Woozlympics: Revenge.  Get ready to answer a variety of trivia questions to earn points for your team!
On Sunday, August 12th from 1-3PM WT, JayWooz has a Unitz design challenge for you!  Create a Unitz with your own idea for a Woozlympics game and you may get a visit from Jay!

Here’s next week’s Eventz calendar!

Schedule for August 13th to August 17th
MondayWoozlympics: Maze Challenge11:00 AM WTMaxWooz
MondayWoozlympics Closing Ceremony1:00 PM WTall Woozband
MondayWhat the Wooz?! talk show4:00 PM WTMaxWooz
TuesdayDiscussionz with Jenny1:00 PM WTJennyWooz
TuesdayDiscussionz with Jenny7:00 PM WTJennyWooz
WednesdayWoozSportz Weekly4:00 PM WTJayWooz
WednesdayJay’s Freestyle Hour7:00 PM WTJayWooz
ThursdayMax’s Game Show1:00 PM WTMaxWooz
ThursdayMax’s Game Show7:00 PM WTMaxWooz
FridayMya’s Style Update4:00 PM WTMyaWooz
FridayMya’s Late Night Show7:00 PM WTMyaWooz

Articles from Woozens

Woozlympics by TheBenjiBangTBBHey woozens!  The Woozlympics are coming quick and so far the teams have swum, played games, raced, danced, canoed, and hung out with the Woozband! I just wanted to say: remember we’re here to have fun, this isn’t for bragging rights. May the best team win (of course the Dragonz will win!  lol). And check out some of the events and we might see you with a gold, silver, or bronze to support your team! BTW: New flags are out! Get your favorite team’s flag to support your team in the events! Bye woozens! If you see me give me a shout-out :)
Camping by bluequeenforlife
Camping is something you can do for fun. In some countries you can do it all most all of the year, in some countries half a year. Some countries are too hot and some too cold which means they can’t camp even a month. You can camp with friends or mom or dad. When you camp you must always clean and don’t make any fires. Camping is a nice way to see the pretty mountains and rivers and trees… camping is the best!

ShamWooz by TootieGurl-xD
ATTENTION WOOZWORLD.  Shamwooz is haunting the bowels of Woozworld! Rumor has it he’s haunting WoozWoodz Camp!! On his WoozIn page, it says [his account was created] 500 years ago.  Gives me the spooks! What about you? Some people say he is GoodOldWooz’s great-great-grandfather.  Shamwooz is coming back for his revenge!! Lots of people think it’s Jay and Max just playing a joke.  Tons of people think it’s the real deal…  Is anyone safe?
Chain Mail by lala-chick
Hey Woozens, there’s been a lot of chain mail where people are saying animators won’t listen and change Woozworld for us. I wanted to say Woozworld animators do a lot for us. Every week they make our clothes, upgrade Woozworld, and chat with us for fun! They make great things! And we shouldn’t take it for granted. If you say we should be able to sit: it would take a LONG time to re-make the clothes to be able to sit. If you say the wooz and beex should be back on trade, well if you want wooz or beex, sell an item on trade.  Insulting the animators won’t help; they might ban you. Please be respectful that Woozworld is a place they didn’t have to make. And if you don’t like it then don’t play on it. Woozworld is a fun place and we should not take it for granted.

Until next Friday Woozens!
milica108 :)

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Tuesday 7 August 2012

550 viewers

Im not can believe!!!!!!550 viewers for too days!!!!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!THANKS YOU REALY ;)
goal 600!you can do it ;)
Jenny and me love you guys so much :)

Funny Pic

Holla here is Jen whit some funny pictures