Friday 3 August 2012

BeaverFleming In WW

Heya its me jen i just were at mya show and see Beaver (skateboarder) isin't this cool?
Well manny woozens asked him what did inspire him to become a fame skateboarder
He said  that the Tony Hawk game inspired him xD and our parents say video games can't make us to fame peope..PTFF there one guy become xD
 Btw idk what day will come new stuff skating stuff :P
Umm ya there are new skating unitz called : Beaver Fleming Skatepark
And LOOOL there is a doll of he u click it and he move .-.
Oh ya u can click the box and get the New poster :)
Also u can click the peaper boxes and see what is in  -btw i'm in queue 105 .-.
Good night ya all 

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