Tuesday 7 August 2012

Woozlympics Video & Fan Art Competition

Woozlympics Video & Fan Art Competition

Hey Woozens!
The Woozlympics are in full swing!  The air is full of camp energy and everyone is bursting with team spirit.  Trollz, Pegasuz, Dragonz, Phoenixz – who will win?
After a long day winning medals for your team, you woozens may like to relax by thelakeshore to hang out with friends and do some arts-and-crafts.  To let your creativity shine through, we created two challenges that can earn points for your Woozlympics team.  Remember to read the rules carefully; we don’t want you to be disqualified!
Video Challenge: Create an advertisement-style video celebrating your Woozlympics team and post it on YouTube.  Make it fun and interesting by varying the shots to show the viewer how awesome your team is!  Videos may be 2 minutes maximum – any longer and you will be disqualified!  Send us your link in an email to woozlympics@woozworld.com with the subject line “Video Challenge”.
Design Challenge: Create a cool Woozlympics outfit celebrating your team, either drawn by hand or on the computer!  If you use the computer, please design on this mannequin only.  Your work must beoriginal; please sign your name somewhere on the paper with your design.  You may email your design as a jpegpng, or gif file to woozlympics@woozworld.com with the subject line “Design Challenge”.
DOWNLOAD THE MANNEQUIN HERE. You MUST use the mannequin for your design!
Submissions from either creative competition can be emailed towoozlympics@woozworld.com starting now!  You have until Friday night, August 10, to enter, so better get started!
We can’t wait to see what you’ll do.  We know you are a creative bunch of woozens!
Good luck!

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