Wednesday 1 August 2012

Short stories

Short Stories

Hey guys!!!!!!!!!Here im will talking about funny,scary,love,or family stories.So is be great time to read it :)
First storie is:

                                                      Good or bad?

In one town,near one house,life a one girl named Sarah.She just have sevan years.Her parents every day worked,so she are be alone at home.Sarah no have friends,because no one know where she life.At school all be rude at her,and she always cry.When she mistake,or get bad markes all will be rude and say ''you stoopid,why you come at our school.Sometimes she walked with Milla.Miila is always tell other to leave her alone.When school over,Sarah go at her home...But at street is verry scary at night,so she walked easy.One time when her walked,she listen a voice who says ''You will one day must pick Good or Bad!!''.Sarah is think is not true,and she continue walked.One day when she be at school,One girl Miley,and one girl Silla are fight becayse Miley bully and attacknig Silla.Miley is a realy good girl,who helped anyone,but she hate Sarah because she are the poor and no have money.Silla is be at Sarah verry rude,but she helped at her homeworks,And sometimes walked with her.Silla and Miley say:''Sarah pick one girl of us''.Normally Sarah remember the voice''You will one day must pick Good or Bad.But both is be and Good and bad.But Sarah and her heart pick Silla.And she pick good.Silla is good one,but Miley is bad girl.After school she walked and again listen voise and see ghoust who say''You pick right person,because u heart is tired of rude persons,and you will get prise.Go tommorow in school and you will see''.Sarah is be litle scary and confused.Tommorow she go at school,and see all love her.All start to help her,and love her,And never be rude at her.She never be alone,and she must say ''Thanks'' to ghoust
                              The end
milica108 :)

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