Friday 3 August 2012

The WoozPaper Vol. 118

The WoozPaper Vol. 118

Happy Friday Woozens!
Summer-camp fun began this week at the 500th anniversary of WoozWoodz Camp!  After the amazingopening ceremony on Wednesday (only marred by a rather mysterious incident during the WoozWoodz Camp anthem), we kicked off the Woozlympics!  Every woozen can join one team lead by a Woozbandmember, and earn points by competing in all kinds of eventz!  There are special Woozlympics sports, camp arts-and-crafts challenges, and even points for participating in regular animations!  May the best team win!
We also want to remind all Woozens that bullying and any kind of inappropriate behavior (language, conduct, or Unitz) will not be tolerated in Woozworld.  Moderators will continue closing down inappropriate Unitz. If you aren’t sure as to why your Unitz was closed or why you got a sanction, please read the Code of Conduct (link below).  Mods are here to make sure you can enjoy Woozworld safely and securely!  Please help them do their job by reporting inappropriate behavior (see the Help Center for more information).  

Weekend Eventz

This weekend is our first at WoozWoodz Camp!
Saturday, August 4th at 1PM WT, MyaWooz will be visiting Display Eventz to search for the next Star of the Week!  She will announce the theme Saturday morning to allow you star woozens plenty of time to get ready!
At 11AM WT and 7PM WT on SaturdayMya will be back to host Woozlympics: Revenge!  Come gain some points for your team!
On Sunday, August 5th from 2-5PM WT JayWooz will host Woozlympics: Synchronized Dancing!  Get three of your teammates (4 woozens max) and put together a dance of 5 movez.  Jay will be visiting yourDisplay Eventz to see what you got!

Here’s next week’s Eventz calendar!

Schedule for August 6th to August 10th
MondayWoozlympics: Canoeing11:00 AM WTJennyWooz
MondayWhat the Wooz?! talk show4:00 PM WTJennyWooz
MondayWoozlympics: Canoeing7:00 PM WTJennyWooz
TuesdayWoozlympics: Swimming11:00 AM WTJennyWooz
TuesdayWoozlympics: Swimming4:00 PM WTJennyWooz
TuesdayDiscussionz with Jenny7:00 PM WTJennyWooz
WednesdayWoozlympics: Rock Climbing11:00 AM WTJayWooz
WednesdayWoozSportz Weekly4:00 PM WTJayWooz
WednesdayJay’s Freestyle Hour7:00 PM WTJayWooz
ThursdayWoozlympics: Racing1:00 PM WTMaxWooz
ThursdayWoozlympics: Racing4:00 PM WTMaxWooz
ThursdayMax’s Game Show7:00 PM WTMaxWooz
FridayWoozlympics: Canoeing11:00 AM WTMyaWooz
FridayWoozlymics: Rock Climbing4:00 PM WTMyaWooz
FridayMya’s Late Night Show7:00 PM WTMyaWooz

Articles from Woozens

The Woozlympics Competition by DoctorQueenstoneIt is an epic battle! Which team will win?
Woozens from all over Woozworld are looking forward to know who will win.  Will it be the Pheonixz or maybe the Dragonz no one knows but it is a tight battle! I got a few comments from some woozens that I asked who they think will win.
NonniiSmile:  I don’t know… Maybe everyone because everybody knows that Max and Jenny are married but they are different teams… And this is only for fun so I think everybody will win =)
ElleDawn:  I wanted to tell everyone that the Dragonz will win and our cabin is very useful.
Which team will win? I don’t know but one thing I know is that this will be interesting and that everyone is having fun!
I hope that everyone is looking forward to see the winner!
Adventurz: Race Around the World by DramaQueen666Woozens in Woozworld can’t wait until Plane Three gets ready for the trip! As we can see, a lot of woozens are trying to earn as much as they can. Yes woozens, it’s the Race Around the World, ‘Earn Free Wooz’ quest.  I asked a few woozens for their opinion about the quest itself, and 8 of 10 of them said that they can’t wait for the next stage. If you didn’t start with the adventure, you should because it’s pretty easy and very fun. Also, you can learn a lot of new stuff. The reward is very cool, and yet, I don’t know what to expect. It’s kinda of a surprise. “I’m just doing the quest so I could get the prize – wooz,” said one of the eight woozens that confirmed their adventure. Pretty interesting, but almost every woozen has the eyes on the prize.  Don’t be confused if I say that the quest is pretty awesome and you haven’t tried it yet. Come and have fun with us, the Adventure woozens.  Have fun – and if your eyes are on the prize, you will probably succeed! Good luck!
Text Abbreviations in Woozworld by kaytestar13
Hi Woozens,
So recently I have been asked what some of the text style language stands for, here in Woozworld.  So I thought I would do an article of the meanings to help you out!
1) R – Are
2) U – You
3) Lol – Laugh out loud
4) Ikr – I know right
5) :)  it is a smiley face, turn your head to the side!
6) Yolo – You only live once
7) Omg – Oh my gosh
I hope these basic text meanings helped you out!  For more either message me or comment on my wall, I am happy to help!
Trade Changes by MonneaRecently  in Woozworld, we have been seeing some changes, including the layout in the trading. Woozins are no longer able to trade Beex and Wooz, and it just so happens that both Woozins are required to give something in trade, or else you will not be capable of confirming. If you confirm it, and somebody remove an item(s), it will unconfirm the offers.  I have had the chance to speak with some Woozins, and some have said they prefer this layout, because they have been feeling more secure with these changes.  On the other hand, some very much dislike it. They say it is unfair, and that they have difficult times with it. And for the rest of them, they say more changes are yet to come. Other than the staff of Woozworld, who knows what will happen next?

Until next Friday Woozens!
milica108 :)

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