Friday 6 December 2013

Questions No One Asks You + How Was Hell Friday

Heey ! As promised i am going to go threw some questions no one asks you
but as first - i came back , really happy got A in biology and i threw off my clothes , i ate and got my laptop on bed now I'm listening to all 3 1D albums ( they're pure perfection and never getting borring )
Let's start!
1-Do you sleep with socks on?  Yes :3
2-Have you got a mirror in your room? yep
3-Did you ever get a F in school? Who didn't....?
4-Are you obsessed with something now? Yes , the last 3 months my obsessions are
b- AriZona tea with lemons
c-British tea w/ milk ( sounds weird tastes amazing)
d Midnight Memories ( this is working on with answer a )
e: Little Mix! - that's what i remeber for now
5-Are you lazy? Y.E.S
6-Fruits or vegetables ? I'll go with both
7-What fruits are your favorite and what vegetables are ? Time for list
Fruits :
Bananas,blueberries , strawberries , aplles
Veggies : 
cauliflower(white) , carrots , spinach ,onions(sometimes xD )
8-Do you celebrate x-mas? No , but i get into ''x-mas'' mood , as my bff says : ''the cold weather makes you say stuff that you don't mean...'' xD well shes true ( btw shes muslim too )
9-Are you going somewhere next week? Actually yes , my best friend is haveing her bday ! :D Looking forward to it C:
10-Are you allergic ? No , i don't know maybe i am on something

                                         #HELL #FRIDAY

So yeah as you probably know i hate Fridays. That's the main reason i call them hell Friday ... it was kind of hell friday
I woke up earlier at 6:oo so i won't late for biology ... cuz the teacher doesn't let you in after the bell
I did the project and i got A :) - stupid class kinda scared of the teacher 0-0
Next subject math , boring as always.
Breakfast/lunch .. run to the store get some food and eat
Talking class -discousing problems with class ... shitty as always.
my language - shitty as always and borring
geography - it was nice , i like geography :)
PHYSICS - this messed up subject and biology make this day to hell . we had a test thank God if i get C or D
democracy - it was fine ... well :P

    after all this shitness i waited with my bff for her bus , i came home and here i am xD
My lesson for Hell Friday - Stay calm don't cry .... its gonna be over, waaaait ....shit...there comes another friday. ,-,

Hope you liked it - i'll maybe start Vlogmas .. just quickly at the end of the day write on the blog what i done and thats it .. but hopefully you won't mind that i missed the first 6-7 days of vlogmas ..

Weird thing :
Only two songs made me cry
1-Story of my life , the first time i heard it
2-Harry's song (you can guess i already told ya ) Each fricken time i listen to it makes me cry ,-, and i listen like each 2-3 days ,-, ...... SEE YA *BROFIST* lol this is Pewds thing :P Bye xd

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