Sunday 15 December 2013


Haaaay it's me Jen!
35 page views OMG ! we didn't have this since .... woooow long bro xD
Let's start with day 14 !


my lovely weekend started 12 in day , i skipped muslim school and i felt awesome
That sleep was really good
Well i wasn't doing annnything special that day . Only thing would be the pizza for dinner and the walk with bff :) and lolol i felt asleep in my moms room ,-, , in her bed ,  next to her... well how did that happen?
I was reallly bored , i decited to go to her and just randomly be with her , but she turned the lights off and i felt a sleep only thing i remember was waking up at 00:30 something to walk outta her & dads room and just hop into my bed

VLOGMAS - SUNDAY 15th (today) 

so ye i wasn't skipping the muslim school :P I woke up at 10 i guess....I drank my beloved british tea with milk and slowly got ready
I was there around 45 mins , i came back i eat and left with my dad
We were going to my cousin , i was there and we left , the best thing is they have WiFi :P
I came back and eat some candy . The rest of day i spend in my bed , i even took a hour long nap
I talked via skype to a lot family members , my cousin , grandpa and aunt , aunt , other aunt and cousin , and final was bff xD
We were lazy so no walk xD Now it's 10:52 , i will finish this and go and shower and wash hair and dry hair and everything and than go sleeping :)
Thats it well lolol time fooor;::::: :D


the story begins middle of september 2011 , i saw what makes you beautiful and i felt in love with that song :D when someone says : One Direction i would be like : :I oki .... fine ,-,
February 2012 i felt in love with Harry Styles :D ( One thing was sooo perfect i loved that song to death and i still do , and Harry is still my fave )
When he starts singing my heart starts beating like crazy xD
I still was kinda not a such a fan still : 1D , yeah they're ... fine ,-,
Buuut everything got cray-crazy when Live while we're young came out i was crazzzzzy :DD
I kept listening to it till death ,-, and i still love that song, but still i was acting cold like ice when someone says 1D
Little story : Once i tough i was alone in home , so i turned up to 100 volume and my brother was inside so he screamed on me : WHAT? YOU ARE LISTENING TO THESE GAY?
Me: no they're not....
Thats quite only thang i remember ,-,
I was still listening to them but secretly
Kiss you was the first song i played inside the car with dad , he actually liked it xD

September 2013 , my bff was obsessed with them so she wanted me to go with her to This Is Us , i was like okay.... fine... ,-,
I watched the movie and i enjoyed it .!
I was sooo happy after watching it and soooo into that '' directioner fever''
From that day , i learned all their songs , i downloaded the complete 2 albums ... i even downloaded 100 pics of Harry (and the boys together but mostly Harry :3 )
When story of my life came out i was one of the first 100 girls/boys who seen the vid :)
I watched all of the 7 and half hours of 1D-DAY C:
I downloaded Midnight Memories , and i know all the lyrics to the songs :)
Now i got over 350 pics of Harry ,-,
Now i even show the world that i am a Directioner , i don't give a f*ck what people think about Directioners
Even my mom likes them she said few days ago : They are waaay better than Miley , better listen to them than to her
I was like :   :') Ofc. :')
I still hide it from my bro , well kinda also dad
but i sing their songs and they make me happy :D

Hope you liked this , i'll do like little mix knowing 10/10 , i am these days sooo much fangirling xD

Seeeeee youuu!!!!! Thanks for watching/viewing !


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