Tuesday 17 December 2013

Vlogmas 16

Helllllo Jen here !! I ate and here i am C: .. Since i was kiiiiinnnndaa lazy yesterday i decide to do the Vlogmas today so let's START!


School , oh school ... i hardly got outta the bed :'( I went to school , the classic routine xD)Only lol
I go to like English acting class , so yeah ... me and my friend went there , and no one else from the other class came . So we had a awesome talk time with the awesome english teacher xD She even gave us some bananas she had in her bag . I left school as fast as possible ,-, xD
It was around 2 PM
I Just wanted to eat D': 
And i did it , for lunch i had some reallly nice meat , mashed potatoes and few kinds of salads '


I was on my laptop for quite long , until 6 and than i called my auntie , grandpa and aunt , other uncle and bleh bleh more lolol xD 
Weeks of sadness are coming to me :'((( My 18 year old cousin will come to my brother ,-, WHYY GOD WHY??!? 
As always they will make me feel bad , sad and even probably cry ,-, i need to take off the 1D posters or hide them
Well I was hungry again and i ate again xD 
Since all these days we are doing vlogmas i never said : '' And i took the book and studied '' 
FINALLLLY ! I did study, biology and history  ( did they ask , or was it test time find it out later today ) 
I finished that it was 10/10:30 
I watched TV  , it was comedy monday on my favorite canal and i watched few episodes of Two And A Half Men , after that one episode of CSI ( now witch one it was idk 0-0 ) 
I went sleeping it was around 1 
And that's it for my day .......... oh upppppps!!! I forgot something
It was 4/5 in the morning ( i don't count it as a new day ) I was reallllly thirsty and i had a full bottle of carbonated water ( you know lol the one that fizzs like crazy ) 
Since i was like in a coma , i didn't realize that the bottle wasnt on my mouth i was away from my mouth and guess what ,-, the water land on my pjs top and bottom , on the blanket , on the mattress , on the bed covering on everything and everything was wet ,-, mostly me :'( 
So it woke me up i was like : Shiiiiittt ,  noooo .... uhhh ... WHAT NOW? 
as first i changed quickly , i took off the tons of pillows , i took off the wet blanket and left the 2 not wet ones on the floor
I turned the mattress upside-down like the wet side was on the wood or what else is under the bed ,-, 
i just put back the pillows and the 2 blankets and i felt a sleep
When i came back from school today i got the blow dryer and i was drying the not soo wet side , i just didnt want it to be not even that little bit wet ,-, 
Still none knows for this :3 Muhahahaha xD 

Now this is it D': 
...................................For vlogmas , next thing up will be ''Special Happy Tuesday ''

 Byee , and be more ''active'' just come often on here :P Still thanks for everything C: 


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