Friday 13 December 2013

VLOGMAS DAY 13 - Hell Friday ?

Heyy ! I  tied up my hair in a retarded updoe and i am ready to talk about my day


As you know Hell Friday is on and i hate fridays sooooo bad . Wellll :'3 mwahaha
I wasn't at school? you probably wonder why?
You know i wear glasses , i had to go to the doc so she/he can check how my eyes are going on , so i chose hell friday to pass school *Clever duh ? *
So well i woke up around 8:30 , and just got out like a zombie and into the living room .. drink hot chockolate
I started dressing and everything at 9 ,-,
I went to doc with my dad , le first stop normal doc to give you the allow to go to the eye doc :3
We got that and went to the eye section of the hospital .. i gave the papers to the lady ... she asked : Why did you come?
Dad : she has to check if the glasses fit and is everything good
Lady: Well .... * checking time plan calendar * I am sorry we haven't got any doctors free , they're working , busy or on vacation . Only free time we gott..... um..... end of January 2014
She put her head down to write it i was like :    -  :OOOOOOOOOOO YEEEEEEEEEES XDD
Dad: .... you ok?
We left and got into the car
i was jumping on the seat saying : let's go somewhere , turn the music on ...happiness isn't even a word for this what i am feeling :')
i also said dad i begged God sooo much that there are no free doc's , and ye...He heard me :D
me : Turn some music on !! oh ye .. u got borring ones ... let me just....
I was singing and being juust sooo happy ! :D
I came back and i eat Ofc xD
i even took a 2-3 hour long nap :') After that i went for a walk with bff as like all those good mooded days ;)
We even had like a little brunch at McDonald's .. we ate big mac, coke and fries as always xD
i was kinda tired so i changed ( and yes i felt a sleep in my skinny jeans ,-, ) into pjs
i spend like the small rest of day on laptop and ye
I GOT D IN PHYSICS ! ... since NONE GOT A OR B , the highest grade was C- xD so well i did pretty well :')
Bed is the best thing on the world. I <3  u bed C:
also the same day right after the moment i almost felt a sleep while being on laptop my bff called me on skype
we talked there around 1 hour and half :)
after i talked to auntie C:
I got food. <3
Now bro i am here , in pjs , with a retarded updo xD now its 10:45 PM

Weird Fact :
I am scared of clowns and dogs. xD the big bitchy dogs ,-, ew.

                                                   Niiiiiiiiiiiiiight !

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